Monday, July 11, 2011

Scariest place I've been in quite a while

<p>&lt;p&gt;I finally did it ...and boy was it ScArY!!! I enrolled in college and I was so scared I am still butterfly *stomach * ya know? Lol<br>
I am excited too though. Now I know what I'm gonna be doing while my baby heads off to
Wow...wonders never cease right??

Scariest place I've been in quite a while

<p>&lt;p&gt;I finally did it ...and boy was it ScArY!!! I enrolled in college and I was so scared I am still butterfly *stomach * ya know? Lol<br>
I am excited too though. Now I know what I'm gonna be doing while my baby heads off to
Wow...wonders never cease right??

Grilling calls for experimental bbq sauce

I was grilling and thought I had bbq sauce...I did not!  So I pulled out several bbq sauce recipes and improvised..
As only I do I am (being the reining procrastination Queen and all ;o) ) well it turned out in my favor this time...I saved my created mixed up recipe and lol!!!

Kay Kay s mixed up bbq

12-14 oz ketchup
1/2 c water
2 Tbs vinegar
1/2 tsp salt; pepper
1/4 tsp paprika; chili powder; onion pwd; lemon pwd; garlic pwd
Add honey to taste
Mix and heat while stirring.
Opt add. Onion;bell pepper; bacon; pineapple


It was good!   I had never tried it but certainly will again!! ;o)

I luv grilling :)... do you?

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Keeper of the Cheerios

Wasn't how I expected things to be... this life of mine.  Isn't it funny how we dream so many dreams as wee lil girls playing m.a.s.h. games with oh so many well laid out plans for pur future.  I even planned the tile colors for my future you can only imagine how off that was lol!
I wanted my children to be born two years apart ... and God said NO... lol they need to be five years apart.  5 years? ? Well lets just say *God def. Has a since of humor...if u only *!! So yes my daughter is 15...and my sons are 10 & 5... the last one starts kindergarten this fall. 
What am I supposed to so??? I am the cheerio keeper... noone needs cheerios now!!! The Bible says there is a time for everything...and even in my upcomming cheerio-free (at least for the kids snack while on the go ) I shall learn a new thing in this season.  Even now...everything will be beautiful ...I will keep ya posted!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011 stuff...oh my!

I <3 reading blog titles on google readers widget for my phone.  It is an amazing way to see if I want to invest more time into a blog or skip it.  ;)  I would love to read them all but who has time for that ...besides I already must rob the proverbial peter to pay paul in order to sqeeze any blog reading time @all.  Lol. I <3 bargains and time savers and thrifty ways to accomplish beautiful things.  I appreciate when women take the time to remember the places they have come from... things they learned...and share it freely.  Amazing and I <3that most of all :0)!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Extraordinary circumstances

Desperate times call for desperate measures.  There are times in life when things happen that throw a kink in the chain of things... if you know what I mean.  Like snow in Mobile during Spring Break. 1992.  Like the twister on March 1, 2006 that appeared as my son and I cleaned my bffs trailer.  Like the illness that struck my 36yr old husband and disabled him.  Like the times groceries were few yet never gone.  Love abounds.  Lessons learned.  Timeless treasures remembered and moments forever etched in my heart.  Of course there are battle wounds...scars from this life...but I wear them proudly because I earnes them and there is a degree of comfort in them for I know where they were received and for what purpose.  There are those who chose to ridicule the fallen because of the difference in the walk on the journey.  Not so...beware...touch not GODS ANNOINTED and do HIS PROPHETS NO HARM.  Therefore be evermore careful what vain report proceeds from your lips.  The tongue is not tame after all. 

And then there were none...

Been there ....heard that...and probably will hear it again ... yet it strikes immediate nerves that I must endure.  It's not easy to hear or see painful never will be.  It wears on the nerves and I wonder and loosing my entire mind @times...seriously....and yet when I refocus on Jesus and His mercy and grace...I know He'll make a way when there is no way.  That is when I know my Redeemer lives. 

When I feel I cannot go another step I have a Father who can. Praise God!