Wednesday, December 19, 2007


My Nannie died today. I will miss her... as she was when I first met her. You see, she had a disease that stole her memory and her life. Even so, her life was such a blessing to me. She loved me, with the real kind of love that never quits. I will never forget her, and I love her even still. My family and I will gather in a few days to say our final goodbyes to her on this earth, but in heaven, we will be together forever.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Out with the Old and in with the New

New Years is about more than just a change of the yearly calendar. It can also be about other changes if we should so desire. We can use this time of year to de-clutter our own homes. I have been going through our clothes and what a pile I have to get rid of! I have also been going through the kids toys. Again... the get rid of pile was massive! With Christmas quickly approaching, I had to get rid of some things in order to prepare for the new things on the way. It is also that way with our spiritual self. We need to de-clutter our minds on occasion to get rid of the old unused things and re fill it with new gems of truth from the word of God! I just wanted to share these thoughts on my heart. Merry Christmas! Please, don't get so busy this time of year to neglect the most important reason of the season... JESUS!