Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Lord!! These people are driving me crazy!!

That's it! I have had it! Ever heard of the straw that broke the camels back??? Well this straw is one of those cement drainage pipes!!

I keep reminding myself to just breathe. Pray and pray and pray and breathe.

I began pouring my heart out to God. I really didn't hold anything out or unsaid.

Ya know what his response was? How are you Katie?

what? Me? I'm all shook up! I'm grrrrr ya know??

at this point I kinda maybe heard the still small voice suggesting I refocus on me. Ouch.

But they....

Refocus on Katie.

OK Lord. Help me. Then I began writing down things I like and do not like so much about me. Wow.

Honesty really hurts.

It's so much easier to lay blame. To go off on "them" and yet it's not about "them" controlling my thoughts or my actions. I am supposed to give that slot to God. Let him control my thoughts and actions and words.

So pray...pray...breathe...and refocus. Don't let the actions or lack of actions in others consume your thoughts. Refocus on Him. I promise it will make you smile.

Friday, January 3, 2014

My favorites *some.anyway(;

God*salvation.love.Jesus. kisstheson. Foreverreigns. Refuge.forgiveness
Family*Doug.Sisi.Bubba.PearBear.Melita.SpottGunn. LuckyDuck. Momma.GranDan.everyoneElse(;
Roots*Perrymac.MaconGa. AuburnAl. CadizKy. AtlantaGa. Germany.PensacolaFl. FtWaltonBeachFl.NewHopeAl. EchoAl