Thursday, June 16, 2011

Twister outta the blue

I've always been a Huge Wizard of Oz fan...but something about the twister has ALWAYS scared me to no end!  I've been in twisters before....the last one was actually while I was cleaning my friends trailer.  Not the place of choice during a tornado!  ;o) But then that's another blog......
Today the weather radio went off for Lee co abt severe thunder storms so I began to prepare my mind for rain and wind!  I even called a friend and was told its only a 20%chance for rain.  See we are in Alabama and in a humongous drought!  At about 515...we had severe rain and wind ....then it abruptly stopped.  I received word that a chicken house was twisted up by a twister that remained undetected by weather radar.  WOW! !!! I had just spotted double rainbows above the trees...a sight to behold for sure. 
I'm glad I know the Master of the wind!