Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The worn out woman

I am beginning a book devotional. "The worn out woman" by dr Steve Stephens and Alice Gray. 
I thought I would share some of the things from my reading.

  I am worn to a raveling. -Beatrix Potter
Comments shared by women at a retreat about their personal weariness and frustrations :
*most days I feel overwhelmed
*i want to run away and start over
*ive wished my life away
*i hardly experience intimate or tender moments with The Lord 
*my days are filled with things I don't want to do
*when I read the bible it's out of habit rather than desire
*the joy and excitement are gone
*i wake up feeling discouraged
*ive taken on responsibilities that I never wanted
*i feel like I'm missing me but maybe it's God I'm missing

I can totally relate to each of these comments. The stresses from the battles in my mind are cAusing me extreme physical disabilities and it is getting worse. I really have to let go and let God but I am not sure how to totally surrender. I desire to practice forgiveness until I see no offense in my offenders and yet that is a very very hard thing to actually do!
I am sick of "race-pace" mode!!
I want balance!
The worn out woman has many sisters! 

We believe no one can unclutter her life without uncluttering her heart as well. 
I want to dig deeper into why I feel worn out!

I'm going to take the love that comes my way and hold on to it for dear life. Sometimes we don't need new scenery, just new eyes. - dawn miller
There is hope !!!

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