So I'm totally gonna just type whatever I think. So expect a ton of random.
Thanksgiving is here...ready it not. I am not, actually. Paige and Doug have started the meal prep for me. It's Ham, dressing, rutabegers, cabbage, corn on cob, Collards, California mix veggies, rolls, yummy...
So the kids are trying to decide where they want to put you the tree. Big living room...full of exercise equipment, and toys... but window facing road....OR...back little living room, fireplace, couch and chairs, window facing woods. I want it in the back little room....we shall see who wins the argument...Sisi or Bubba.
Boiled peanuts are the perfect appetizers ever.
my crowns came off when I sneezed. Yes I look like a monster. It hurts... and will be interesting trying not to swallow them while I eat.
Doug is diabetic...makes Thanksgiving cooking tricky.
Boys were harassing our dogs by popping balloons.... I swear they thought they were shooting them.
I love still being in my PJ's.
My fuzzy blanket is my favorite.
I might have eaten a few of the chocolate chip cookies in their dough form.
I bought gingerbread, pumpkin pie, and apple spice plug ins and I plugged them in. Doug let me. Bonus!!
there are mice in here....somebody let our cats in for Thanksgiving dinner...catch it while you can.
I get to keep kaynen tonight!
Boys are driving me insane. Certifiably!!
I think Valium would totally be nice today.
I am so glad I'm not Christmas shopping at all yet...I'm waiting for December (;
my heater is my bff.
Kids played in the dogs water bowl this morning... because it was frozen. and die...move and I will touch your rear end with my belt. Shut up and listen to the Bible you big mouth nincompoops!
ha...It's a great Day!
Especially for the Turkey we let live.... not so much for the pig we gonna eat. All's fair in love and war It's good!