Friday, September 16, 2011


I 'm guilty.  I have definitely taken my brain functioning for granted.  When I think of Alzheimer's,  I think of so many lost memories,  and I realize just how precious that keeping them is.  It's not something that can adequately be captured in a photo, or even in a journal, but it's the LiViNg experiences that are to be coveted.  Only when you live or work closely with an Alzheimer's patient will the true reality of this illness set in.  It's permanent and unrepentant.  Yet there are many happy moments.... even in this season. My husband and I have both had grandparents with it, will probably have parents with it one day and may even suffer ourselves.  I have elderly sat with patients with it before and am doing it now. Day by day memories are forever leaving... skipping through the roads of time in our minds.  Live each moment as if it's ur just may be. Are u ready?

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