There's a song we have that I LOVE with this same title. It tells about Jesus and how that is exactly what he does. Amazing how much he cares for every little tedious detail in our lives. Often I am guilty of not caring near enough. Don't get me wrong...I care...but is it unrelenting? Hmmm
I do not want to spend my whole life asking what if I had given everything instead of going through the motions. This is applicable spiritually...of course... but also generally. Life is supposed to have purpose. A purpose filled life would be hard pressed to "go through the motions" I think. Therefore it is our own responsibility to be certain we do not fall into habitual routines and in so doing ... utterly fall. I cannot say what's in your heart nor can you interpret mine...but thank God... Jesus knows and loves us still. Yes still.
Holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come!
Absolutely amazing love.
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