Tuesday, March 17, 2009


This morning I had yet another reminder that there is so much more to life than counting calories and keeping up with our way too busy schedules. It was just a little moment that our family chose to relish in and enjoy. It was actually a spontaneous moment from my baby... I guess I should just explain. :) My wonderful husband prepared our waffles and bacon for our breakfast as I rushed around preparing to leave for my out of home job... ugh! We sat down together and were preparing to pray when our 3 year old opened a stick of butter and placed the entire stick on his waffle. My daughter saw it and exclaimed "Perry!" so of course, we all looked. We about died laughing. It is ironic because I am trying to count calories and make sure we get a good balance and he was thinking... "a little is good so more is better" ha ha. God was so wise when he exhorts us to become as little children. There are so many things in life that are so good that I allow to slip right by me because I am too busy to slow down and enjoy them. It really is sad. Ok, so about the butter.. my daughter took his picture and then we took the stick away... and of course he got a little slab of butter. He was disappointed. :) I defiantly needed the laugh today and so I had to share. After all... laughter is the best medicine.... RIGHT???!!! :)

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