Take the temperature of your life when it comes to stress overload!
Read thru the list and check off each item you have experienced more than once in the past week.
-you get irritable or impatient over little things
-you have a hard time getting to sleep or staying asleep
-you seem overly emotional
-your body sometimes feels so wound up that you can't relax
-you think, if I can just get thru this, then I'm going to do some things I really want to do
-you get frustrated at how forgetful you are
-you are easily distracted, even from things you enjoy
-your friends say you are moody
-you run out of energy before the day is done
-you find it hard to make definite decisions or to stick to them once they are made
-you get fed up when things take longer than you plan
-you find yourself eating when u really aren't hungry
-you avid spending g time with family or friends because they just take too much energy
-you feel like nothing sounds fun or exciting
-you enjoy the adrenaline rush of last minute deadlines
-you are not working up to your normal ability
-you find that worry distracts you from reaching your goals
-you have trouble delegating tasks because you think you can so them better
If u checked.... Your stress level is probably.....
1-6. Mild to moderate -be careful
7-12 Serious- May need to make some changes
13-18. Severe-get help now!!!